Design Build (DB) North Station Draw One Bridge Replacement and Associated Track & Signal Upgrades, Boston, Cambridge and Somerville, MA
Project Description
MBTA Contract No. H32CN01
The North Station Draw One Bridge Replacement and Associated Track & Signal Upgrades Project will replace the Draw One Bridge, the Signal Tower A, and associated MBTA track and signal infrastructure. The existing Draw One Bridge consists of two adjacent two-track bridge spans crossing the Charles River. Signal Tower A is located just north of the Draw One Bridge, east of the tracks. Due to the deteriorated condition of the building, a temporary control tower was built in 2018. Conduits below grade connect the temporary control tower to equipment in the adjacent Signal Tower A.
The scope of work includes, but not limited to, design and construction for: new movable bridge structures carrying six tracks total, including replacement of the north and south trestles and fender system; staged demolition of the existing draw bridges, approach spans, fendering, and Tower A; trackwork and associated signals to connect the new bridge tracks to the mainline tracks north of Tower A and the existing station tracks, including reconstruction of direct fixation and platform modifications where required; track improvements extending out approximately 1.5 miles from North Station; raising and modifying the DCR-owned North Bank Pedestrian Bridge to accommodate the new track alignment; a new Tower A building, positioned to best serve operation of the proposed new structure, existing controls would be relocated from the temporary control tower to the new Tower A building; replacement of up to three sets of Signal Instrument Houses and upgrades for all wayside devices, cables, and infrastructure serving the existing Draw One Bridge; new North Station Platform F extension will be constructed, tying into an existing partial platform, to serve new Station Tracks 11 and 12 and new drainage systems, including water quality structures and new outfalls, on each trestle.
Request For Letters of Interest (RFLOI)
Letters of Interests from Design Build Entities or firms interested in receiving a notice of the availability of the RFQ should be received by the MBTA by 11 AM on March 19, 2025.
A full detailed public announcement of the Request for Letters of Interest and submittal instructions is posted on Bid Express: