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Awarded Contract: K78CN03

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South Coast Rail, Fall River Secondary Commuter Rail Expansion Project

Berkley to Fall River, MA

Advertisement Date 2/14/2020
Pre-Bid Meeting Date & Time 03/04/2020 at 9:00 AM
Bid Opening Date 5/7/2020
Contract Number K78CN03
Class CLASS 1 – GENERAL TRANSIT CONSTRUCTION $50,000,000, CLASS 3 – TRACK WORK, $30,000,000, CLASS 7 – BUILDINGS, $10,000,000
Project Value $164,561,323.00
DBE Goal 0 %

Scope of Work:

The Work involves three major elements: (1) the construction of approximately twelve miles of new trackway along the existing Fall River Secondary right of way from Berkley to Fall River, (2) the construction of two commuter rail passenger stations, and (3) the construction of an end of the line layover facility.

General Contractor Contract Value
Skanska DW White JV $158,975,000.00

Notice to Proceed Date: 6/16/2020
Projected Completion Date: N/A

Bid Responses Bid Amount
Skanska DW White JV $158,975,000.00
White-Manafort, JV $163,967,871.00
The Middlesex Corp. $168,469,000.00
Barletta Heavy Division, Inc. $170,928,000.00
Walsh-RCC, JV $191,754,031.00
Lane-Delta SCR JV $217,208,603.50

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View Complete Notice to Bidders

View Complete Notice to Bidders (PDF)Comparison of Bids Report for Contract K78CN03 (58.25kb) updated Thursday, May 7, 2020

K78CN03 Planholders List    K78CN03 Planholders List (Printer Friendly) K78CN03 Planholders List (Printer Friendly)

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The posting of on-line information does not relieve prospective bidders of their obligation to review and become familiar with the Contract Documents, as bid, including, but not limited to, the obligation to inspect plans, specifications and any addenda. The Contract Documents as bid shall supersede and take precedence over any information posted by the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority on the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Web Page.

The posting of on-line information does not relieve prospective bidders of their obligation to consult the Central Register published by the Secretary of State's Office pursuant to M.G.L. c. 149 §44J and c.9, §20A for official information concerning any Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority construction contract. The information published in the Central Register shall supersede and take precedence over any information posted by the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority on the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Web page.

Bidders are advised that they should have representation at this tour as no extra visits are planned.